2024 London Conference

Spoilt for Choice  

Though some assets are still trading at disappointingly high valuations, there is also a broad array of assets offering some of the most exciting prospective real returns we’ve seen in twenty years. 

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Related Investments:

Equity Dislocation Strategy
International Opportunistic Value Strategy
U.S. Opportunistic Value Strategy

GMO Horizons: A Quantitative Solution for Sustainable Investing  

The GMO Horizons Strategy is a systematic, diversified solution that enables investors to harness the long-term secular growth opportunities arising from the transition to a sustainable future. In this session, Chris Heelan describes how GMO Horizons captures these opportunities and mitigates related risks through significant exposure to impactful climate solutions, reduced total emissions intensity (direct and indirect), and thoughtful ESG integration. 

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Related Investments:

Horizons Strategy

Top High Conviction Emerging Debt Ideas for 2024

Tina Vandersteel discusses three of her best ideas in emerging debt for 2024. The first is a valuations-based case for investing in local currency emerging debt, which is offering valuations not seen in a generation. The next two relate to strategies under development to capture environmental and social goals in a direct, returns-sensitive manner. 

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Related Investments:

Emerging Country Debt Strategy
Emerging Country Local Debt Strategy

Quality in an Age of Innovation  

Anthony Hene discusses how the Quality Strategy seeks to participate in growth while staying true to conservative principles. 

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Related Investments:

Quality Strategy
U.S. Quality Strategy

Turbulence on the Path to Transformation: Clean Energy Challenges Create Opportunities  

Despite substantial growth and huge advancements in public policy support, clean energy has had an abysmal stretch in the stock market the last two and a half years. In this session, Lucas White discusses some of the factors that have led to this discrepancy, how we approach investing in this tricky sector, and why we are so optimistic about the outlook for clean energy going forward. 

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Related Investments:

Climate Change Strategy
Resources Strategy

The Rise of the Machines: Historical and Psychological Perspectives on Technological Revolutions and Bubbles  

James Montier explores the psychology behind technology bubbles and draws lessons from the history of technological revolutions in pursuit of understanding the impact of AI. 

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Related Reading

Read More GMO Research