
The GMO International Opportunistic Value Strategy seeks to generate total return by investing primarily in international equities. The Strategy measures its performance against the MSCI World ex-U.S.A. Value Index. 

The Strategy aims to profit from our Asset Allocation team’s top-down insights as to the most attractively valued segment of developed markets outside the U.S. Currently, the team finds developed, non-U.S. “deep value” (cheapest 20%) stocks to be unusually cheap relative to their own history. This actively managed Strategy concentrates exposure in the deep value segment by focusing on the international stocks that GMO’s Systematic Equity team identifies as the most undervalued, using proprietary valuation models because we believe that relying on reported financials and index definitions of value may lead investors to misjudge the opportunity.





Fact Sheet Download
Product Primer Download
GIPS® Composite Report Download
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Performance Download
Portfolio Composition Download
Deep Value: Cheap with Strong Fundamentals Preliminary as of 3/31/2024 Download
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Commentary & Attribution

Commentary Quarterly Download
Attribution - Monthly Download
Attribution - Quarterly Download
Attribution - YTD Download
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Risks Associated with investing in the Strategy may include, Market Risk-Equities, Management and Operational Risk, Non-U.S. Investment Risk, and Currency Risk.