GMO’s Usonian Japan Value Strategy seeks long term capital appreciation over a full market cycle and measures its performance against the TOPIX Total Return Index (the “Index”) for performance comparison purposes. The Strategy employs a fundamental, value-oriented approach to invest in Japanese equities. Additionally, the Strategy focuses on protecting capital in down markets and strives to have lower total volatility compared to the Index.
In managing the Strategy, GMO’s Usonian Japan Equity team follows a disciplined, bottom-up approach using fundamental research to identify Japanese equities that we believe are undervalued and profitable with high quality balance sheets. The team spends considerable time developing a high level of knowledge about our companies and focusing on downside risk. Additionally, as long-term investors, we engage collaboratively with corporate management to unlock shareholder value.
Usonian Japan Value Strategy
Risks associated with investing in the Strategy may include Market Risk - Equities, Management and Operational Risk, Focused Investment Risk, Non-U.S. Investment Risk, and Currency Risk.